A scientific adaptation of traditional Chinese acupuncture techniques involves the use of sterilised, fine, single-use acupuncture needles which are inserted into soft tissue to reduce tightness, pain and inflammation.
Dry Needling
A scientific adaptation of traditional Chinese acupuncture techniques involves the use of sterilised, fine, single-use acupuncture needles which are inserted into soft tissue to reduce tightness, pain and inflammation.
A number of different ‘hands-on’ techniques including passive movements, positioning and manoeuvring of body segments, limbs and joints to encourage flexibility, good posture and alleviate pain and stiffness.
Combination of soft and deep tissue techniques to relieve muscle tension, tightness and realign muscle fibres. We use a hypoallergenic, 100% natural anti-inflammatory cream during massage.
Combination of trigger point releases, sustained acupressure and deep tissue massage techniques applied to tight and aching muscles to unwind tension, relieve ‘knots’, reduce scar tissue and relax body segments.
High grade, controlled joint thrusts, aimed at releasing pressure and stiffness within a joint, improving range of motion and reducing pressure and pain.
Low grade, gentle, passive joint movements aimed at loosening restricted joints, improving range of motion and flexibility, and reducing sensitivity to pain and tenderness.
Yes. All clients need to make a prior booking to see our physiotherapist. We will endeavour to book you in at a time that is convenient for you and same day appointments are usually available.
No. Same day appointments are usually available, and if we cannot book you in on the day you ring, we more than likely can book you in the very next day.
No, if you are a private patient seeking physiotherapy treatment, you do not need a referral from a doctor – just call and make an appointment straight away. However, if you are seeking treatment via an insurance claim through Workers Compensation or Motor Vehicle Accident Claims or are seeking treatment via DVA (Department of Veteran Affairs) or Medicare, you will need a doctor’s referral requesting physiotherapy treatment.
Yes, we accept and treat all clients. If you have a referral requesting physiotherapy and a relevant claim number, you can receive physiotherapy assessment and treatment under your existing claim. Our physiotherapist has the necessary insurance to treat DVA clients too.
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